Java memory model
Metaspace tuning During launching, every Java application generates numerous objects within the computer’s memory. However, given that memory is finite, it is imperative to utilize it efficiently....
Metaspace tuning During launching, every Java application generates numerous objects within the computer’s memory. However, given that memory is finite, it is imperative to utilize it efficiently....
# Organizing data through sorting is essential for optimizing program efficiency. When dealing with large volumes of data, effective organization facilitates quick searches and processing. While...
Dynamic programming. Knapsack problem Given by N items, each item has mass w_i > 0 {w_1, w_2, …, w_n}, and cost p_i > 0 {c_1, c_3, …, c_n}. We must choose a subset of these items where the...
Disjoint set union data structure A disjoint set union (union find) is a data structure enabling the merging of separate sets and addressing different inquiries concerning them, such as determinin...
Prefix Sums and Applications In the realm of computer science and mathematics, efficient algorithms play a crucial role in solving complex problems. One such algorithmic technique that finds exten...